Hari Valentine Tanggal 14 Februari, Sudah Siapkan Ucapan? Ini 17 Kalimat Kasih Sayang bagi Pasangan

- 1 Februari 2021, 23:29 WIB
Ilustrasi ucapan selamat hari Valentine.
Ilustrasi ucapan selamat hari Valentine. / Pixabay.com/S. Hermann & F. Richter

PORTAL PURWOKERTO – Hari Valentine diperingati setiap tanggal 14 Februari, dan dikenal sebagai hari kasih sayang. Memberikan hadiah bagi pasangan menjadi salah satu ungkapan kasih sayang kepada mereka.

Meskipun, hadiah ini tidak harus diberikan hanya saat Hari Kasih Sayang ini. Setiap hari, Anda juga bisa mengungkapkan kasih sayang kepada pasangan dengan berbagai cara.

Namun, di Hari Valentine nanti, tidak ada salahnya, Anda memberikan hadiah dan ucapan selamat dengan romantis kepada kekasih.

Baca Juga: Bingung Kasih Hadiah Valentine untuk Pasangan, Bukan Coklat! Ini Rekomendasi Sesuai Zodiak Kekasih

Hadiah yang diberikan bisa berupa bunga, coklat, atau kesukaan kekasih anda. Jangan lupa untuk menambahkan kartu ucapan, dengan kata-kata manis dan romantis.

Berikut beberapa kalimat ucapan dengan berbahasa Inggris, di yang bisa dijadikan rekomendasi Kamu, saat memberikan hadiah kepada kekasih:

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1. You make the world so much more beautiful, I love being with you.

2. Happy Valentine's Day, my dearest. I so look forward to seeing you tonight.

3. You are the rose that never fades – fresh and fragrant every day.

4. "Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction." — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

5. A hug sends more messages than you can imagine. It says you are all I have to hold when I feel down or alone. It also shows how special you are in my life to let you put your arms around me.

6. To another Valentine's Day spent with the love of my life, and to many more.

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7. You are the first thought in the morning and my last before I fall asleep. This is how I know that we were meant to be. I love you.

8. You are my love, my best friend, my one and only. Now, let me be your Valentines once more. Happy Valentines’s Day

9. With a woman like you in my life, I really am the luckiest man in the world. I hope you have Valentine’s Day that is as amazing as you are

10. I am a successful man because I love an incredible woman who always believes in me. You bring out my best, and your love completes me. Happy Valentine’s Day!

11. I love the way you make me feel like a man. You allow me to love you and I am so thankful for that. Happy Heart’s Day darling!

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12. All the roses and diamonds in the world would never be able to express just how much I love and appreciate you. However, I hope that this can be a start — open the present! — I love you! Happy Valentine’s Day to the woman of my life!

13. I will never get tired of loving you. I admire the way you make me fall in love with you more each day. Happy Valentine’s Day!

14. You are the most beautiful thing that happened in my life. I couldn’t imagine a life without you by my side. Happy Valentine’s Day, my wifey!

15. Chocolate candies and fresh flower bouquets are truly sweet and delightful. However, nothing is as sweet and delightful as you are. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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16. As the messages of beauty and love spread around. I am sure I am the luckiest man in the earth. Happy Valentines Day!

17. This Valentine’s Day, I want to tell you how much I admire and appreciate you. I’m thankful for all of that you do to make our home a happy one. I love you.***

Editor: Yumi Karasuma

Sumber: Serenata Flower


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