Nabila Ishma Asyik Facial Wajah, ADEL Justru Kenang Alm Eril Dalam Kondisi Ini

- 29 Juni 2022, 19:20 WIB
Nabila Ishma Asyik Facial Wajah, ADEL Justru Kenang Alm Eril Dalam Kondisi Ini
Nabila Ishma Asyik Facial Wajah, ADEL Justru Kenang Alm Eril Dalam Kondisi Ini /@nabilaishma/

Baca Juga: Bikin MELONGO, Bukti Nabila Ishma dan Atalia Praratya Dekat, Ridwan Kamil juga Nih

Berikut curhatan Nabila Ishma pada unggahan Instagram pada Senin, 27 Juni 2022:

“I was once asked, if life is truly a choice, then why is there something that we cannot choose? Like perhaps, we cannot choose to not lose someone that we love.

But then I realized. Life is not about choosing what we want, it’s about choosing what life prepared for us.

From the beginning, we didn’t choose to be alive. We cannot choose which family we are born from. We must live something that is already meant for us. There is something that we cannot choose because it’s beyond our capability. And the only thing that we can do is choose how we are going to deal with it.”

Warganet memberikan semangat bagi Nabila Ishma untuk semangat melanjutkan hidupnya lagi.

Demikian informasi terbaru dari Adel dan Nabila Ishma, dua gadis yang berhubungan dengan almarhum Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz.***


Editor: Dyah Sugesti Weningtyas


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