Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 45 - 47: Mind Map Engineer, Librarian, Meteorologist, Animator

29 Agustus 2023, 09:40 WIB
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 45 46 dan 47 tentang tugas Mind Map Engineer, Librarian, Meteorologist, Animator, market researcher, manager.* /Portal Purwokerto/kemdikbud

PORTAL PURWOKERTO- Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 45-47 dalam artikel ini membahas mindmap terkait tugas profesi.

Ada 7 profesi yang akan dibedah tugasnya dalam mind map yang dibahas di kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 45 46 dan 47 ini.

Pembahasan kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 45 adalah mindmap profesi insinyur atau engineer dan librarian atau petugas perpustakaan.

Sementara pada kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 46 membahas mind map profesi meteorogis dan market researcher atau peneliti pasar.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 45 46 47: MindMap An Engineer, A Librarian, A Meteorolist

Sedangkan 3 profesi lainnya ada di halaman 47 diantaranya animator, designer dan manager dalam 5 pokok mindmap.

Mind map merupakan peta pikiran dalam bahasa Indonesia yang artinya merujuk visual ide pokok, dikutip dari situs Mindmap.

Perintah terkait mind map tersebut ada di tugas Boardgame Mindmap halaman 44 dimana 7 profesi ini akan dibedah 5 tugas pokoknya.

Sebelum melihat kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 45 46 47 yang berkolaborasi dengan Hening Prihatini, S.Pd, diharapkan para siswa telah menjawab sendiri mindmap tersebut.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 51: To whom is the letter sent, Application Letter

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 45 46 47

1. An Engineer: 

Apa saja tugas pokok seorang insinyur:

1. researching and developing ideas, technologies or products
2. creating detailed plans and designs for products, systems or structures
3. conducting tests and simulations in order to evaluate performance, safety and reliability of the designs
4. collaborating with other professionals due to the project
5. handling ongoing maintenance and repair of products and systems

2. A Librarian:

Apa saja mindmap tugas seorang petugas perpustakaan:

1. Arranging the books due to the categories
2. Keeping up the books clean and tidy
3. Maintaining the cleanliness of the rooms and the arrangement of the books
4. Recording the catalogs of the books
5. Giving recommendation to the visitors about the books they look for

3. A Meteorologist:

Ini contoh mindmap tugas seorang meteorologis: 


1. Collecting dan using data, computer models and historical trends in order to predict short-term and long-term weather conditions
2. collecting data from various sources in order to predict the ongoing weather
3. studying long-term climate patterns and changes in order to understand trends
4. analyzing weather conditions and atmospheric changes.
5. conducting research to better understand atmospheric processes and other stuffs included

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 51: To whom is the letter sent, Application Letter

4. A Market Researcher

Cek contoh tugas pokok seorang peneliti pasar:

1. working with their clients to define goals and objectives.
2. planning and designing studies to gather relevant data.
3. using statistical tools and software to analyze collected data.
4. reating survey questionnaires that gather specific information from respondents
5. collectong data through surveys, interviews, questionnaires, observations, and other methods

5. An Animator

Berikut contoh tugas pokok dalam mind map seorang animator:

1. creating storyboards, which are visual representations of a project's narrative.
2. developing unique characters
3. Creating movement of the story
4. setting keyframes at specific points
5. setting timing and pacing of the movement of the characters6. A Designer

6. A Designer:

Apa saja tugas pokok yang bisa dijadikan mindmap seorang designer?

1. generating ideas based on project
2. conducting research due to the goals of the project
3. sketching and wireframing due to the project
4. creating visual elements of the project
5. selecting the best element to use in the project

7. A Manager

Ini tugas pokok seorang manager:

1. creating strategic plans
2. arranging the resources in order to smooth the operation
3. guiding the team towards success
4. making important decisions
5. facilitating effective communication within the team.

Disclaimer: kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 45 - 47 bukanlah jawaban mutlak. Portal Purwokerto tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan jawaban.***

Editor: Hening Prihatini


