Ini Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 92 93 Collecting Information Lina and Udin

15 November 2023, 06:29 WIB
Ini Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 92 93 Collecting Information Lina and Udin /Pexels olivia danilevich/

PORTAL PURWOKERTO - Simak ulasan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP halaman 92 dan 93 collecting information Lina and Udin.

Kemudian pada kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP halaman 92 dan 93 ini membahas terkait beberapa percakapan rumpang antara Lina, Udin, Beni, Siti, Edo dan Dayu.

Perlu diketahui fokus kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP halaman 92 dan halaman 93 adalah percakapan yang berkaitan dengan kalimat lampau.

Namun sebelum mengetahui kunci Jawaban
Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 92 dan 93 hasil kolaborasi dengan Hening Prihatini, S.Pd, bisa mencari jawaban secara mandiri terlebih dahulu.

Baca Juga: Ini Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 113 Observing and Asking Questions: For Eight Years Riri

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 92 93

Collecting Information

Lina: “Udin, why didn’t Edo go out of the classroom during the break?”

Udin: “He didn’t go out….. (because he was studying math for the test)

Siti: “Beni, did you go to Dayu’s mother to learn to make stuffed tofu?”

Beni: “No, she was in Posyandu the whole day yesterday. …..(She was doing vaccination for the babies and kids)

Edo: “I’m sorry i didn’t come to the study-group meeting. …..( i was helping my dad fixing the garage of my house)

Dayu: “It’s fine, Edo. So far, you have only missed one meeting.”

Baca Juga: Iced Fruit Cocktail with Condensed Milk Halaman 59 Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP

Dayu: “Lina is visiting her relative in Yogyakarta. She left early in the morning yesterday.”

Beni: “I don’t think so. At eight she was still at home.”

Dayu: “How did you know she was still at home at eight yesteday?”

Beni: “I called her at eight and her mom told me Lina could not take the phone because…… (she was making pastry). Her hands were full of eggs and flour.

Siti: “Beni did the homework to write a descriptive text only this morning during the break. You know what? His text is about me!”

Dayu: “How did you know?”

Siti: “I met him in the library. He told me that…..(he was doing the task to describe a girl in our class to critize her. And, he chose me. …..(he was trying to tell me my bad habits)

Lina: “Siti, i saw you walking to school by yourself this morning. Don’t you usually go to school with Dayu?”

Baca Juga: Ini Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 86, Present, Past dan For an Action in Progress

Siti: “Yes, i do. But this morning i left Dayu behind because….. (Dayu was still watering plant in her garden) when i got to her house. I didn’t want to be late to class.

Beni: “I went to the canteen during the break but i didn’t see you there.”

Udin: “I was in the library with Siti, Edo, and Lina……(we were looking for some texts about science)

Demikianlah pembahasan tentang kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP halaman 92 dan 93 collecting information Lina and Udin.

Disclaimer: contoh kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP halaman 92 dan 93 di atas adalah bukan jawaban mutlak dan hanya sebagai pendamping para orang tua.***

Editor: Mericy Setianingrum

Sumber: Buku Kemdikbud


